Thursday, October 23, 2008


Wanted to share my template for healing/harming macros:

/cast [modifier:ctrl,target=targettarget,harm][modifier:alt,target=focus,harm]evil, harmful spell;[modifier:shift,target=player][modifier:ctrl,target=targettarget][target=mouseover,help][help]holier than thou, helpful spell;[harm]same evil spell

Select the question mark as the icon.

It'll evaluate in the following order:

  1. Alt is pressed: Cast the evil spell on your focus.

  2. Shift is pressed: Cast the holier than thou spell on yourself.

  3. Ctrl is pressed: Cast the evil spell on your target's target, if harmable, or our holier than thou spell on your target's target, if helpable.

  4. No modifier, hovering your mouse over a friendly target: Cast the holier than thou spell on your friendly target.

  5. No modifier, not hovering your mouse over a friendly target, targetted a friend: Cast the holier than thou spell on your target.

  6. No modifier, not hovering your mouse over a friendly target, targetted an enemey: Cast the eeeevul spell on your target.

  7. No modifier, not hovering your mouse over a friendly target, no target or neither friendly nor harmful (think Shattrath guards): Do nothing.

As you press shift, ctrl and alt, the icon will change depending on which spell that will be cast. I especially love the last part: No target, no spell cast. Full control.

The only thing I regret is that I can't get space in the macro to press alt to cast a helpful spell on a friendly focus target. Banged into the 255 character limit.

There's a problem, though. It seems to be locally on my machine. Currently, macros that use alt as a modifier change icon, but won't cast the actual spell. Why not? Beats me. I'm trying to look into it. It worked earlier.

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